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3 tips for creatives to be more productive in 2020

At Arkivio we’re constantly looking for new ways to improve our productivity in the workplace so that we have more time to be creative and re-energise. We’d like to share 3 things that we’re going to try in 2020!


  1. GTD system (listen to the podcast about it)

GTD—or “Getting things done”—is a simple framework for organizing and tracking your tasks and projects. The basic premise is that by writing things down, you’ll free up space to think and solve tasks. It gets way more interesting! If you haven’t heard of the GTD method follow the link below find the original podcast.



  1. Goal Setting and a Shared Vision

We always set goals but this year we added 3 important things to them

  1. We dreamed up a couple big overarching goals, gave them a cool memorable name and then broke them down into bite sized goals.
  2. We split our goals into short, medium and long term, but in the sense of what was most important to start and what to focus on once those short-term goals were complete. Even though we may not get through all the goals this year!
  3. We drew our goals out in large format on our office wall (an offset glass panel on a white wall – our very modern white board) to help visualise the connections between each goal and to keep us focused on the next step.


  1. Going Analogue

In an age of distractions our key benefit to planning and designing in analogue (pen and paper) is that you’re totally in the moment when you pick up that pen. You’re not limited to the size of the text box or the current typeface that is selected.

Your thoughts flow freely unrestricted by any digital structure.

We’re also trying bigger surfaces, changing our notepads to A4, sketching on A3 and plotting plans and goals on giant whiteboards. Time will tell if its going to make a difference in the long run, however we can tell you it feels like it is!